Auto Maintenance Pro 11.0
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Auto Maintenance Pro 11.0

Auto Maintenance Pro is a Windows maintenance software system
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Innovative Maintenance Systems
1 / 5
Awards (14)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
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9 MB

Auto Maintenance Pro is a powerful program that helps you keep accurate maintenance and other records of all your vehicles. It can be used not only by the owners to track preventive and repair maintenance on their vehicles, but also by car resellers who want to have all their cars for sale organized and with all the necessary information. The application features a nice, intuitive and fully customizable user interface that can be adapted to all needs. You can configure regional units, report settings, maintenance due indicators the way you desire. It also includes a maintenance notifier, expiration of registration notifier and other. For each vehicle you can record general information (year, make, model, etc.), purchase/status, registration/inspection, loan/lease, insurance, notes and configure. You can add as many vehicles as you want. All the information can be printed, backed up and restored any time you wish. For every vehicle you have, you can view maintenance due, fuel history, general expense history, maintenance history, costs statistics, graphics and many other interesting things. The application also can generate detailed or summary reports of almost every data you store. It even includes a vendor database where you can store useful information about them. All in all, Auto Maintenance Pro is a comprehensive management application that includes everything you need to have your vehicles organized.

SM Senior editor
Silvana Mansilla
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Easy-to-use
  • Reports generator
  • You can store as many vehicles as you want
  • Customizable
  • Notifiers


  • None

Comments (1)


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I just purchased the Auto Maintenance Pro software. I was fairly excited because it appeared to have everything I was looking for Installation wasn't difficult, so I started adding a new vehicle. When I got to the insurance section, no providers were listed and I could not type in a provider. So, I decided to use the help option to figure out the problem. When I tried to select the help search option, I immediately received an error about a library .dll missing issue. I closed down the application and restarted since it was hung. Checked for updates, but I was at the latest. I called the support line and an automated message stated I had support for 90-days for a new product--how nice. Following the instructions, I selected option 1 and someone answered--but not a support tech. I stated my problem and was told Auto Maintenance Pro is only email support. Hmm.. I will say that Innovative Maintenance System (IMS) promptly returned my money when I canceled the order.

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